Four Things You Want to Know About Colonics (But Are Embarrassed to Ask)

Four Things You Want to Know About Colonics

burbank colonics

In spite of the growing number of people who have discovered the benefits of colon cleansing, many people just don’t like to talk about it. Fortunately, information is widely available on both medical websites and on the sites of wellness spas that offer alternative and holistic treatment options.  Here are answers to four of the most common questions people have about this therapeutic treatment. 

1. What is a colonic?

A colonic is a procedure that uses gentle irrigation to cleanse the colon, or large bowel. It also stimulates the natural motion of the bowel for continued colon health. The procedure is also called colon hydrotherapy or colonic irrigation. 

2. How does it help?

 A colonic removes toxins and excess waste from your colon. Ideally, your colon would eliminate all the solid waste and toxins from your body on its own. And if we all ate an ideal diet and got the ideal amount of exercise, our colons would probably function in an ideal way—but we don’t. We eat things we shouldn’t eat; we eat at times we shouldn’t eat; we don’t get enough exercise; and we don’t get enough sleep. Frankly, in some cases, it’s a wonder our bodies continue to perform their minimum required functions, much less function at an optimum level. The average person has approximately 10 lbs. of dried fecal matter built up in his or her colon. Colon cleansing helps the body to eliminate built-up waste and toxins to restore a more healthful natural balance. 

3. Isn’t it unpleasant?

 No. A colonic can actually be a relaxing and refreshing experience. Facilities such as Wellness Within combine a spa atmosphere with the professionalism of certified therapists and knowledgeable, experienced staff.  The procedure is a gentle and natural way to restore your body’s balance and relieve many of the health issues and symptoms created by contemporary life. Celebrities have numerous treatment options available to them, and many, including stars such as Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Aniston and Beyonce, choose colonics as a low-stress, effective treatment for eliminating the toxins that can cause a host of health problems and symptoms. 

4. Is it difficult to find treatment?

As more people discover the benefits of colonics, an increasing number of facilities are adding them to their treatment options. It is no longer necessary to travel to a large city to get treatment. For example, in the area around Los Angeles, a number of facilities offer the treatment. In Burbank, colonics can be found at a number of reputable wellness spas, and in Agoura, colonics are available at several facilities. The increasing availability ensures that you can find a convenient location for experiencing the unique health benefits of this cleansing treatment.


Jessica writes about a wide variety of topics.  She especially enjoys writing about health. You can learn more about burbank colonics at

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