Network Chiropractic Success Stories | A Gilbert Chiropractors Office

network chiropractic There are many ways to approach health and well-being. In our current times, what we need is not more ways to treat disease and symptoms, but a way to truly address the underlying issues that bring such symptoms of pain and disease to the surface. In other words, in order to really reform our health care system, we should probably focus more on how we think about health than just trying to find another magic pill or technology that we think will save us. Guess what: no one is going to save us! It’s up to us to define our individual and family health care agenda.

To that end, what are some things that we can do to assist us? The most obvious things are with what goes into our body – and out of our body, for that matter. Not that, I mean sweat. The food that goes into your body is the fuel that makes your cells what they are. The exercise that you do is how your body can help to strengthen and purify. But, let’s not forget about the mind and spirit part of that mind-body-spirit equation.

While it’s true that exercise can help with mental stress, it is just one piece to the puzzle. What we need to do is discover a way that our bodies can hold a baseline level of adaptability and flexibility that can help them to not only recover from stress, but use stress as fuel for growth. It’s been said, quite eloquently, that “our fuel or tension is our medicine”. What this means is that you can actually transform tension into fuel that can propel you forward. In today’s world, mental and emotional stressors are the leading causes of illness and poor health and happiness in our culture. There are not many approaches that deliver the promise of helping people physically, mentally or emotionally.

If you’ve never heard of such a thing or a philosophy of health like this, then you may be unfamiliar with Network Chiropractic as well. Essentially, it is a style of chiropractic that has as its core philosophy that we are self-healing and self-regulating individuals who don’t need many external sources of healing, but rather less interference to our body’s own innate mechanism.

In order to help your body do this, the chiropractor utilizes a Network Spinal Analysis system of assessment. This yields a highly specific way to address the way your body is holding and storing tension. In doing so, amazing results are possible. You can read about many of these success stories at There, you’ll find testimonials from people just like you that used to suffer from a wide range of physical and mental or emotional complaints. If you live in the greater Phoenix, metro area, you can contact Gilbert chiropractor Dr. Michael J. Funicello to help you discover and transform your health challenges and concerns. There are practitioners around the globe offering this revolutionary Network Chiropractic care as well.

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